
Our very own Ricky reflects 2022 and gives first hints for plans of the upcoming year:
“I want to thank you all for the ongoing support.
This year hasn’t been easy for many of us, including myself. Speaking for the band it was the first year we finally could enter stages again and live a sort of ‘post-Covid-life’, if you will. Our EP ‘New World Murder’ was released in May, sound tracking Daniel Hofmann’s highly anticipated documentary ‘Total Thrash’, a film that spans 40 years of German Thrash Metal, including us.
Besides performing first live (not streamed) concerts again, we were heavily working on my home studio that I already started to share first posts of about a year ago, which was when we started the project for real. While setting it up, I worked on the first productions that have already been released or will see the day of light in the near future.
We’re working as REZET on new material again and are going to hit the studio for our next full length album already the first half of next year. It will make old and new fans banging for sure!
We’re also booking shows and tours for 2023 since the worldwide situation finally makes it possible again. With a new album under our belts we will be going internationally again also.
This was a tough year for me and private happenings occurred that made it hard to go on at all for a while. I’m happy and grateful for my band, my friends, my family and everyone else that has supported and took care of me, more than ever.
If there’s anything I’ve learned and want to share with all of you is that life goes its own way, regardless of your plans or desires.
I can’t wait for next year, seeing you on the road and giving you a new album. One with REZET and many more as a producer at “Rad Toad Studios” starting officially early next year!